Five & Fierce are Going Dry to raise vital funds for the Canadian Cancer Society

Five & Fierce

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Raising Money For

Our team members all have friends and family affected by cancer. In my 5th year doing this campaign (previously DryFeb) I am looking for at least 215 donors. To accomplish great feats, one cannot do it alone... so I have some amazing teammates to broaden the message and share the GoDry experience! We got this, Five & Fierce

5 Team Members View all

Avatar Name Raised
Nancy Marshall
Team Leader
Eveline Shaw $1,531.36
Teresa Levis $350.93
Kirk Williams $260.55
Cindy Robertson $0.00

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Teams let you join forces with friends, family and colleagues to raise more money!

Status Updates

$207.00 from Anonymous

Thank you πŸ™πŸΌ and thank you for letting us know who you are. We really, really appreciate you and your always generous heart! Hugs from here to you both. Cheers! πŸ’ž

$103.50 from Anonymous

πŸ™πŸΌ Thank you fine anonymous donor! Please privately message me if you wish to reveal yourself as we do have a Crown Isle Stay & Play random prize draw in February which each donor is eligible for. Please know you are greatly appreciated! 😊

$155.25 from Brian Ingram

Thank you Brian! πŸ™πŸΌ we truly appreciate your support each year! Happy you had β€˜time’ today to see my message and double your donation! Woohoo πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Take good care! 😊

+$155.25 matched by Donations Matched

A generous donor has matched this donation! Together we're making a difference for people affected by cancer.

$100.00 from Rob & Lisa

Thanks very much you two! 😊 Great to see the sun and lovely blue sky up there! We appreciate your friendship and being golf ⛳️ buddies! Cheers! πŸ™πŸΌ

+$100.00 matched by Donations Matched

A generous donor has matched this donation! Together we're making a difference for people affected by cancer.

$258.75 from KAY GRAY

Thank you so much, once again… πŸ™πŸΌ we are so grateful for your friendship! So nice to chat with you today. Stay well up there! Looking forward to summer golf! Cheers! 😁

+$258.75 matched by Donations Matched

A generous donor has matched this donation! Together we're making a difference for people affected by cancer.

$103.50 from The Habbick Wongs

Thank you kindly πŸ™πŸΌ for supporting our team. Kirk and I both appreciate your long standing engagement to this cause near and dear to us. Stay well! Cheers!

$258.75 from Vicki Hamill

Thank you Vicki for your ongoing support! ☺️ We appreciate you in many ways and now so do those affected by cancer. Stay well! πŸ’ž

$258.76 from Darren Taylor

Shanks! you!!!😁 We really appreciate your always wonderful support... especially Kirk!πŸ˜‰ A penny for your thoughts?!

$155.25 from Tony and Ev Dambrauskas

Good luck and thank you for this effort. Hopefully ,one day , we can look in the rear view mirror and say goodbye to cancer!

Dry Cheers to that! Thank you Tony & Ev for your continued support. πŸ™πŸΌ Truly a wish and hope we can’t give up on! 😊

$103.50 from Wayne Clogg


Thank you Wayne. Cheers and Aloha to you & Cheryle! 😎 β˜€οΈ ⛳️
Donate to Five & Fierce

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